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O'for Feet Sake Receipe

O'for Feet Sake Receipe

How to get your feet "baby bottom soft", quickly.


1 facial pad (like Stridex)*
O' For Feet Sake

After drying yourself post shower or bath, swipe a pad across the rough areas on your feet. Immediately apply the bar. Do this until you notice notice a 50-75% improvement (usually 4-7 days). When 50-75% improvement is obtained, ditch the pads but continue to apply O' For Feet Sake daily until they are feel baby bottom soft (about 7 more days). To maintain, apply O'For Feet Sake three or four times a week.

We don't supply the pads but they can be obtained from your local pharmacy or grocery store.

Previous article Notable Quotable, July 2016

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