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Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

The Lo-Lo Bar which is handmade with love, was born flat and placed in a can. Users either pop the bar out and apply it head-to-toe or smash the bar into the recyclable container applying the oils and butters with fingertips.

Either way, soft, hydrated skin is the result. But now the
 bar has been raised. Standing tall in a clear tube at 5 inches and weighing a full 2 ounces, Bar-Maids introduces the Lo-Lo Twist.

Though popping and smashing are not options with the Twist, it is ideal if you want absolute precision (engineers and quilters take note) in the application and is especially helpful if needing an extension while reaching for far away places like ankles (funny how bending and stretching at some point becomes a challenge). Just plain convenient and available in the (current) top 6 scents. Bar-Maids invites you to do the Twist!
Previous article Notable Quotable, July 2016

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