Coronavirus / COVID-19
Dear LoLo Fans,
What a challenging time for all! of us! The Coronavirus and, in particular, COVID-19, has impacted everyone's daily life.
As the situation with the Coronavirus and COVID-19 continues to develop, here are things we want you to know:
LoLo Body is open for business, and we are confident that our small facility and practices are safe.
We are being extra vigilant with maintaining a sanitary environment in our facility and ensuring our small staff has what they need to stay healthy. In addition to sanitizing surfaces regularly throughout the day and encouraging good handwashing practices (a great practice all the time), our staff will continue to wear gloves while pulling and packing orders.
We have developed, though not yet implemented, Plan “B,” which includes staggering shifts and closing Will Call.
At the time of this email, we are shipping orders as usual (within three business days) and Will Call is available.
As you know, gatherings of more than 250 people are a no-no, so that means we won't be attending any events In March or April. We miss you already!
Should this change, we will send updates via email and posts on our website and social media.
We encourage you to buy local. Small businesses are being hit hard (especially if they don't sell TP!) Many are offering curbside pick-up and home delivery. Kudos to them!
We must all do our part to keep ourselves, our families, and our communities healthy, and are hopeful that this will pass quickly. We can only imagine that some of the benefits include greater compassion, better understanding, and much more kindness.
It takes a village!
- LoLo Body Staff
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