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Small glass botles filled with oil and botanicals with cork top.

Dear LoLo: How scented are your products?

You've hit on a topic that's dear to our hearts and noses!

The world of scents can be such a minefield, right? One person's "spring breeze" is another's "sneeze fest," or one loves the smell of sheep while another finds it "baaaaaad." 

So, let's keep it real: our products are like that one friend who uses just a little bit of perfume—not the kind who bathes in it, but enough to turn heads, you know? We aim for subtle, light, and airy vibes that don't overpower or make you want to run for the hills (or the nearest open window).

We totally get that strong scents can be more than just a nuisance for some folks—they can be a health hazard. That's why we're diligent about keeping our scent levels down to a respectful whisper. We're talking library tones here, not rock concert levels.

It might also be helpful to learn that our essential oils and fragrance oils are extremely "clean" and "true."  For example, French Lilac is so "true" that you'd swear you were standing beside an open window with a Lilac tree nearby. Our committment to sustainability includes not only using fragrances without phthalates, but we also exclude over 100 other chemicals with similar health concerns. 

Seriously, we want to be the last thing that causes a headache, so we tread lightly on the fragrance front.

So, whether you or someone you know have sensitive schnozzes, we're here to accommodate. No overwhelming perfume clouds here—just fresh, gentle whispers that say, "I’m here, but I’m not going to throw a party in your nostrils."

Cheers to staying fresh and considerate!
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Jim Zwijack - July 30, 2024

Please help…….i have been a customer of Lo Lo for many years, and made reference of your company to many others.

Do you have a cologne product similar to Duke Cannon, specifically cologne balm Redwood? For unknown reason they say the product is unavailable……does not say discontinued. Happy to be your continued customer and hope you have a comparable item.

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